My life has been journey. There are two parts
Before God Audibly Spoke to me in 2009 at a Trade Show in New Braunfels and After!
After He spoke, I describe my life since 2008 as
a sequence of two Steven King Movies,
the Twilight Zone Period,
The Doubts Epiphany, and
Graduation after 14 years in Jesus's Boot Camp
My first and only trip to the Holy Land with a group out of New Braunfels
A Journey of Understanding
In Costa Rica on my Second Missionary trip
with my best friend Jerry Linebarger and his wife Christi
Been writing and singing songs on Thursday nights for two years. Have Started Kingdom Luthiers restoring and setting up acoustic guitars.
In 2020 I gave away all my money, bought two maxed out Honda Ridgline trucks, one I gave to my good pastor friend Jerry Linebarger, put in a offer on a house at the coast I had no money to buy, and used up the last of my money restoring our condos, with out getting reimbursed for about twenty grand! By December I was out of money with recurring bills to pay and no income. The Lord provided a large gift at Christmas that got me through January, and then I had to stop paying bills. Most of the time I had less than $5.00 in the bank, this went on for 3 months, with my phone, electrical, internet each cut off once. They were all restored quickly, God Provided. I learned to live very frugally. I did not eat out, ate chicken, eggs, apples, bananas and vegetables. Chicken at less than a dollar a pound, apples three for a dollar, and eggs less than two dollars a dozen. I found
The first Part:
I grew up Lutheran, a kid who was too afraid to do anything wrong. I was afraid of going to hell. After confirmation I pulled away from the Church and by college considered myself agnostic. I excelled in Physics in College but after a 6 year stint i received my BS degree in Physics in 1981 at UT Austin , cum laude but then changed my course. My senior year I was given a programing job by my favorite professor. I was really bad at that and hated it. Too young and unsure of myself to reach out to him I decided quit and to into Landscaping!
I had been landscaping while going to school for a couple of years so I went to San Antonio and started up the Evergreen Landscape San Antonio branch. We did big installation jobs, North Star Mall, the Airport, Frost Bank NE loop 410 and a lot of the high end jobs in San Antonio. I loved working with my hands, leading others and using real Tonka toys.
After four years of this I grew tired of landscaping and wanted more’ll, l went back to school at UTSA studying engineering. The second semester I was stricken with Sever Aplastic Anemia. My wife got me into UCLA hospital which specialized in this rare disease. I was in the hospital for 4 weeks, 3 weeks of outpatient and then a year to get my immune system fully back. The cause was unknown (Idiopathic) but there was a strong correlation to being around Benzene and Toluene as a triggering. I decided to not go back to landscaping.
At this point in my life was agnostic, but had many people praying for me. I had no fear. I now realize Jesus was with me even when I was not with Him. While in College; with 2020 hind sight I realized He was with me. The early morning hours were very productive. That is when the Holy Spirit downloads wisdom, knowledge and clarity me, He was doing it then but I had no idea what was. My Lutheran background taught nothing about the workings of the Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts.
God provided a path for us, Selling Printing! My wife had stated Pollock Business Forms essentially as a tax write off thinking it would contribute some to our income. She put it on hold when we went to California. I spent a year putting the back end of the business together. This grew into 3 companies, we were the biggest most successful printer in Central Texas. However few knew of we sold computer forms, to large businesses. We owned block of down town seguin the old HEB, Camp Willow on Lake Dunlap, a warehouse on 6 acers on IH 35 just north of New Braunfels, and had a home on acreage off on Hoffman lane. With a net worth of 3 million going to 5, we were blessed. We had to sons by this time they were in High School, both were Star football players. Life was good, that was 2007, a year later it all changed and two years later was all gone!
The Second part:
The First Movie; The story of Job
After a long year of divorce, a struggling economy down after President Obamas election, and the divorce finalized I was laying in bred on a Friday, the first day of rest in over a year, It was raining. I received a phone call from Family Dollar, our, no my, renter that the newly repaired roof had a leak. The building was over 40 years old and the leak was not found. I quickly sold the building. I looked for a job, there was NOTHING, the only thing I really wanted to do was teach college, but I needed Masters or PHD. I did not want go back to school. Too proud to work in a Convenience Store I deeded to wait out a 3 year non-compete and go back onto business.
With everything I cared about gone, my family, and my businesses I spiraled down. I slept ate and watched TV. I gained weight,up to almost 400lbs. I had a strong faith developing. I had been believer since my father-in-law died in 1998, he was essentially my dad. God had just spoken to me audibly saying “You are going to win” at a trade show in September 2009. I hung on to those words and prayed, a lot. My companion Shadow, a perfect black lab, was always at myside, so was Jesus but He I could not see..
The loss of my family, business and essentially my life was a Job story. When it started in 2008 I had a customer, Mission of Devine Mercy who helped me through it. Mother Magdalena said you are under spiritual attack. I was given Psalm 68 to read Ephesians 6:10-20 and the Lords pray. I also had holy water, salt, and oil with directions on how to use them. Raised Lutheran this was all new to me; I followed her instructions to the letter. After almost a year of managing the business and my personal life I was ok. I had chosen to take the Upper Road and not get dragged down.
It was now September 2009; my Wife was off with her current boyfriend, i was left to do a trade show by myself in New Braunfels. The first night I had help, sort of, it was the lady my wife had planted in the business to take me down, but it went well. The second day I had it all to myself. I hated doing trade shows; I was nervous and was not very good at it. But I did it all day by myself, never leaving the booth area. As I was packing up exhausted and relieved it was done when all of a sudden there was this Thought/Voice with incredible clarity said “You are going to win”. The next second they announced my name, David Warmke as Trade Show Grand Prize winner! Wow what was that…………… It took me a while to figure out is was God.
Never before or after in my whole life has He spoken to me like that. I continually hold on that promise , it reminds me He is in charge, loves me and takes care of me. The grand prize was a trip for two to New Orleans, to be used within 7 month: He also has a sense of humor: New Orleans was the last place wanted to go. Over time I understood what he said was far bigger than winning that trip. It was about winning my life, winning more than I ever thought of. Having never been competitive natured this took a while to digest. Any time I have felt down or defeated I recall that promise “You are going to Win” it always works!
Two weeks later, after the trade show I managed to forget this! Just like the Israel’s of the Old Testament. When confronted with a poisoned well of customers and our key CSR who was pregnant at 40 and was going to be out of the office right as the divorce finalized, i freaked out. I though it through I could not do this. I had to be in two places at once doing impossible jobs for me. I could not sleep, and called up my wife and gave it all away. I was right, I could not this myself, I had forgotten what he had just showed me, He could!.
At that moment I knew my life would never be the same. It has not, it has been harder, loner, more humiliating, and finally more joyful and fruitful than ever before, by a long shot. And always getting better, this all has taken 12 years to unfold; sequently 2 Steven King Movies, a Twilight Zone period and finally to WOW no Doubts!
So the kids left, one said "you are a looser", the other said" I knew I could not count on you". This was in the Fall of 2009, Obama had recently been elected, the economy was down, there was no work, I was afraid to try another business, I di was too proud to work in a convenience store, I did want to go back to Graduate School. I felt broke going from a quartet of million a year income, had two cars, a nice house all paid for, money but all alone aside from me and Shadow. I was a broken man………….
Shadow was a young black lab that I knew God had given me. Back in 2005 this black lab pup was abandoned near our property in the country. I passed him 6 times one day, he never moved. Finally I walked down to him. He would not come near me, so I sat down. He circled me getting closer and closer. Finally I touched him, he immediately jumped for joy . For the next 10 years he never left my side. He and Jesus were with me the whole time. But I could see shadow and only sense Jesus.
All my friends disappeared; I slept, ate and watched TV. I got fat, 400lbs, was afraid to show my face in public. I prayed for a miracle even bought 2 lottery tickets, I did not win.
Finally March of 2011 morning I realized if I did not stop I would die. I drug myself out of the house, got my oil changed in my 2004 Honda s2000 and went to church at Cross Lutheran on Easter Sunday. Suddenly I was joyful, there was nothing to be happy about but I had joy. That I know now was the Holy Spirit, I only suspected it then.
I connected to an old friend who was in a bible Study started my Charlie Duke, the 10th man to walk on the moon. I joined, knowing God was in charge and I needed to learn more. Scott Tjernagel, was the teacher, he still is, my teacher for 8 years and counting. All I wanted was to do Gods will. That is still my highest priority. He always helps me, but it has been a strange path.
This is a short view of the first Steven King movie, the Story of Job. I Have left out a lot a great amount of painful detail , Many times I was standing outside in the night, hands up loudly asking Why Me Lord, I don’t understand! Now I do…………………………………
Interlude 1
As I started writing this I realized a lot. First I have forgotten a lot and am a much better writer than several years ago when I tried to with the Job chapter of my life.. In addition I realized there were quiet periods between the turmoil, those I call the interludes and will continue on my narrative to give you an idea of who I am.
I quickly decided to spend time around other Christians. Caleb bibles study was my foundation based there I explored many other areas. I Joined Cross Lutheran knowing there was much more, I visited 30 churches, going to a Cross service and anothe church each Sunday. I grew and would up visiting Gruene United Methodist often, it was in a pattern. As I got more involved with Cross I saw its weakness's, financial transparency was the big one. I wrote a short version of Luther’s 95 thesis, about 15 of them. I also made some amazing coffee cups of there beautiful stained glass window with the cross. As I made those I realized the Photoshop was doing things on its own, good amazing things! That was Gods hand! Also Vicar Dave who like me was very spiritual was also very intellectual. One day he put a book in my hand Exploring Reality: The Intertwining of Science and Religion First Edition by John Polkinghorne. In it he pointed out a paragraph about Neils Boor and Joseph Bohm and the Heisenberg principal. That showed me a side of reality, physics and the hand of God few understand. It was astounding, when we prayed I saw flashes of light. I told Vicar Dave that and he said that stuff happens all the time to him.
We had a new member come into Caleb, Tex Brown retired Air Force three star general . I have been around him ever since since then. At this point I was going to two churches, St Paul Lutheran and Gruene United Methodist. Tex invited to his bible study doing a study on the Revelation of John. Tex is a dispensational premillennialist teaching Revelation in a Lutheran Church! A year before I was with Dale Bynum at Oakwood for his amazing 21 hour study of end of times. He covers all the beliefs, A, Post Historic Pre-, and Dispensational Pre –millennialism. He will not tell you which view is his. So I listened to Tex and made a few interjections. Little did I how big end of times would be in my life.
During this time I met Admiral Grace, that is not her real name, but she was amazing. Highly intelligent, a pistol full of energy and spirit with a full colorful life looking for a partner. I was looking for a partner also, one for life, a wife; she was looking for a business partner, an Amway business partner. She is a very private lady so I will not talk her but my Amway experience. This lady who operated at the highest levels navy concurrently did Amway, so on retirement wanted to do that full time. I sat through so many meeting I would have never stayed in for 5 min if it were not for her. Amway in interesting, they have some really good products, they combine, Christianity, Shelf Help and Deception! Those of you who know this culture know what I mean. It can be best summed up with an equation I came with PV-BV=NV(envy)! After about 9 moths our relationship was waning.
AT this same time my sister Nancy in Houston was in the hospital and not doing well. Her friends called to alert me and shortly she was living with me. She had spiraled down, was filling for bankruptcy, was reclusive, and in very poor health. She had congestive heart failure, diabetes, smoked and had advancing renal failure. When Nancy appeared Admiral Grace left. The only thing I wanted that missed was a companion, a wife; I could have married Admiral Grace, I had Shadow and Jesus who held me together. So I went on wondering why there was no woman for me.
This was 2013 and 2014 I was out of the non-compete period. I started up Phynix Printing. I had a great logo and had lots of people including my pastor help select it. Little did I know of the satanic connection to the phoenix. Later I would learn this. We had made a lot of money in printing, outsourcing the production and just doing the sales and customer service. I was so confident in my abilities to do this forever, I was blinded to the changes internet was having on business. I spent about 5 years doing the printing and never really making any money. But it gave me something to do.
I was running out of cash, we sold the house in Houston, Nancy worked for me, I bought her a car, it seemed like it would work. It did not, but the Lord provided when a cousin died. He left myself and my sisters about a half million dollars. Nancy would have terrible dreams at night, she would groan, we made many trips to the emergency room, she was a fighter. One night I went into her room and prayed for her and prayed for mercy and the demons to leave. The instant I prayed that I felt her back undulate, I kept my eyes closed. When I stopped she thanked me but told me next time don’t press so hard. I was lightly touching her back. After this she gradually got better. I had just exercised a demon from her. Both of us were going to St Paul for church and Bible study things were progressing.
In 2014 I took a trip to Israel with Scott Tjernagel and 4 others from Caleb about 14 us in all. I roomed with Austin Barber and was given a understanding of the West Bank and Israel that few have and most do not want to see. I is essentially occupation and land grab. There are some amazing people there working of reconciliation and following Jesus on both sides but they are in the minority. When I got back in a few months things got really strange, the second Steven King Movie started.
The Second Movie; A Demon in Me
Things are going well I am in Rotary, involved with ministry with
Grandma's Stocking Guild, have been volunteering at Connections helping homeless teenagers. I am learning at Caleb and feel like I am on the path God has for me. I have reconnected with my youngest son. I spend time each evening praying and reading the bible. The suddenly one Thursday night after asking for something I get a tingle. I realize I can ask yes or no questions and get a tingle response. It is exciting and I think it is God. It was not.
The following Sunday morning while lying in bed I feel a pull on all my extremities then a burning in my neck. I don’t know what it is but ask Scott and he says the burning is the Holy Spirit. WOW. The next Sunday while sitting down on the toilet looking outside I see a golden orb in a tree, I can sort o make out wings. I think that is an angel but don’t know. The next Sunday morning I drive to the lake and see this amazing wind on the water at Canyon Lake along with something in the water I cannot describe. I sit down in my chair and feel this incredible euphoria several times. I ask Scott about this stuff, it is new to him, so I am unsure what it is. I trust in God and his love so I keep following this path. This is where it gets really weird my sister Nancy wants to go to Selah, David Bamberger’s ranch for their annual spring event. It is on a Sunday morning, I invite a number of people, Tex Brown, Bill Greenham a toastmaster friend, and Fred Willard a Rotary friend.
While driving with Nancy I she out of the blue says did you hear Mount Everest dropped 6 feet after an earthquake. End of times fills my head. We are the first to get there and I have this overwhelming feeling all these people are lost souls. David Bamberger gets to speaks and to me it sounds to me like blasphemy, he is referred to as King David and talks about the rebirth of the land. WOW, it feels evil.
I have known him for a while from our kid’s summer camp and having him speak at Rotary. His ranch is names Selah, out of the bible and I know he has been in a 3 year bible study before he got his wealth. I go over to him and remind him of the ranch name and think he should be more reverent to God. He looks up at me, does not say a word but appears to have round red circles around his eyes, demon eye. Wow this has me freaked out. Then the rest arrive and get with Tex. I have been directed by this tingling to ask Tex to be my wingman. We spend about 2 hours at Madrone Lake sitting and talking. I tell him the story of the last several weeks. He agrees!
The next Wednesday I am going to tell this story at Caleb. I get there Tex is excited. Before we start Gene Owens phone loudly rings several times it is a rooster crow! Wow, everybody there feels something, like a sign from God. I decide not to tell my story. Leaving Caleb driving through Landa Park I come to the train tracks and the crossing bars come down there is not train. I feel a powerful presence and interpret this as a sign from God to stop, but stop what?
A couple of nights later I have the thought to check to see if David Bamberger’s name translates to 666. It does, I am freaked out then I check mine David Warmke also translates to 666. I am frightened, the last thing I want to is anything against the Church or God. It is 2 in the morning, I call Tex. He was not happy, I just lost my wingman.
I am also dating a lady I have known for a long time from my printing business. One Saturday afternoon I am thinking of her and this thought comes into my head she is with another guy. I blaze out in my sports car to go see her. I am met by a school bus with flashing shaking blinking Red lights, . This reminded me of something in end of times move, a scene in a Left Behind movie series. That makes me slow down. In the course of the next several weeks I have another sign to slow down from trailer in front of me. See a deer with a rope arounds it neck on the side of the road. There is more, It is weird, I think these signs are from God, I feel his power when they are present but I interpret all of them too small to what I am doing that moment not to the whole event. I keep going.
Eventually this tingling leads me to think there is a financial crash coming in May. I Buy Gold and share the message. It does not happen. Then this tingling thing wants me to talk about stopping the expansion of our church. I do not!
Now my life starts to unravel, I can get no sleep and make a huge printing error. I am running out of money need to sell the house. I get an amazing deal on an assisted living apartment for Nancy and in October I move her out. I am going to get the house ready to sell. Now it gets really bad I am in agony and can do nothing. Two times I have a loaded shotgun in my mouth contemplating suicide.
Scott points me to meds, I know this is spiritual so I resist that. A good friend Austin Barger gets me connectd up with a spiritual lady outside of San Marcos. I go see her…………… against Scott’s warnings.
She takes me through a spiritual cleansing, we are in a high steeple In her house, the wind is howling. She has me close my eyes for most of this at the end she asks if I see light. Nothing has changed, the only thing that changed was her posture, by the end she was balled up wither legs shielding her body soret iof shielding her body form me. Joined my her husband she said that was all she could do for me. She said sometimes it takes time.
For about a half of hour I felt a little better, then I just kept getting worse. One Sunday on my way to Church there was a arrow point down leaning against my mail box. Vultures on electrical poles circling in an impossibly fast manner. Charlie was the only one who could give me any help. He said the arrow was curse break it and throw it down. I left it lay then eventually threw into a culvert by my mailbox so no one would pick it up.
I was tormented, afraid I would be killed in my house; I went to the Windom Hotel and spend the night. I was paranoid ,I had my shotgun with me to get out to the car for protection. That night I awoke up in terror, I looked at myself in the mirror my eyes had red lines in them. I texted Austin, Scott and Charlie that I thought I was going to die that night. I went home the next day. That evening Austin and Scott took me to the hospital. I had no Insurance but Christus took me in immediately. I spent About 16 hours in ER. They gave me some meds and I felt much better. I called my lawyer sign the final paperwork on my awful long protracted effort to enforcement of a divorce decreed. I told my story in full to the doctors, just like I remembered it. One nurse you will be in here a long time.
I was transferred to Kerrville in the back of a squad car handcuffed. It was not comfortable. I was in Kerrville for about 6 days then released. That was unique, I just prayed, there were one possessed lady there who had an affinity for me. I tried to pray for her, it did not do any good. They gave a Gideon bible, I read it over and over.
Most of the treatment there was just worldly BS aside from one psychiatrist who was a Christian. She was good, when I told her about that arrow she said do you know how many times I have heard that, it always ends the same way when they go back the arrow is gone. She was right, It was, that was the first thing I checked when returning home.
My sister had to go into San Antonio for a new dialysis shunt in her arm. While the I felt my prayers were not being heard, I went to the chapel and prayed, I felt a burning me. Scott texted me THAT IS THE HOLY SPIRIT, I did not think correct, it was not liked the tingling I had before.
On meds I was feeling better, very bad instead of horrible. A couple of morning later I was lying in bed and looked at a candle flame. Scott had told to put a candle by my bed and look at the light to help me. I did, this morning there was a black satin head with horns on the top of the wick. I was so tired of the crap I thumped it off and laid down. Moments later I felt tensions leave me. I thought it was the Holy Spirit giving up on me, it was the demon leaving. I slowly got off the meds, it took me a year to come physical come back. When I finally had on fear the demon left!
Interlude 2
2016 starts with me beaten up physically, mentally, and spiritually. My faith remained strong; I never complained to God just ask for his help. in 2015 the cross In St Paul Lutheran Church started swinging, my sister noticed this so did I. It went from left to right. Suspended by wires it had been there afor decades but stationary but now gently swinging from right to left. One Sunday Pastor Chip had a sermon of how God Restores. The cross stopped swinging that day! That was a year of coming back. Nothing exciting happened, and finally in early 2017 I sold my house and moved into my condo on the River.
I was thinking about living on a sailboat that was a dream I have always had. I had known a handful of divorced guys who have done that. The more I explored it the less it made sense. I would up buying a boat, not the one I was looking for, in a placed was wanting a boat. The Lord dropped in my lap a Com-pac 27, hull #1 in Port Isabel. The name of the boat was Sophia (Greek word for wisdom). That reopened my life at the coast in the best place on the Texas coast. It also reopened my life to live music and sailing. It gave me a second Lutheran church home Fishers Of Men LCM. Life was getting good. I was going to church, Caleb, Toastmasters and now down at the coast for a week a month.
In the summer of 2017 I got involved with city business. It was the South Castell Avenue Masterplan (SCAM). That acronym was very descriptive; my neighbor was the guy who took down Michael Milken guided me though illuminating this There were about a half dozen city leaders who were loosely involved opposition to this I joined them. Suddenly God was using me in big ways, I effectively wrote in the paper, spoke at city council and on the personal side finally found a lady that was widowed and I greatly admired. I was invited to the Stammstich men’s group and in 6 months was a public figure, in 6 months I became the most prominent voice against Castell. Life was good and getting better. Never did I think I would be a writer, now I was , and pretty good at it too having a unique style that came from Toastmaster speeches which I have been doing for years. I was also a powerful orator at city council. I give the credit for this and all I do well to God. It was a exciting new chapter of my life I never dreamed of.
Nothing happened with the lady, but aside from that things were going well and getting better. The next year my sisters and myself received a significant inheritance from a cousin, things were good.
In the summer of 2018 bought a used guitar a Kremona Luna Rosa for a hundred dollar, it was a seven hundred dollar guitar new. That purchase changed my life and took me into the twilight zone period.
The Twilight Zone period
This is so strange I have not shared it in detail with anyone and only slightly with a handful of people.
It Started with that Guitar and voices, those which said they were Jesus.
At one point mid-way through this I was contemplated stopping, that 666 label with this path looked like the devil and this surreal experience had takin me a place I did not want to go. I prayed about it and God Said "I love you", i kept going There was a lot of the devil but Jesus was there to. I learned a great deal about deception, from many times falling for it, I followed what I thought was Jesus on two week path few would believe or think I was in my right mind if I shared. I drove my car to the coast intentionally ran out of gas then collapsed on the roadside walking to a blinking light. Two weeks later I was out of the hospital with, no phone, no keys, no wallet. They were all in Pleasanton. I drove there and eventually got them all back and continued on, not really knowing if what happened to me was deception or truth. I still do not but I am starting to understand. So I will not, it was surreal, temporal, atemporal, real, physical and spiritual, good and evil were fighting there with me in the center.
I was not really excited about continuing this; the father quietly said I love you again. That was all it took to keep me going. Bottom line, I had every kind of spiritual deception thrown at me and I got through them, following them long enough to realize they were lies. I learned a lot about man and how easily we are deceived and how our emotional state can blind us to deception. That I learned well.
One day the Holy Spirit told me "it is the Guitar". I went home took it to the dumpster and after I was sure no one was looking I smashed it!. There still was a lot of deception but I waded through it. Jesus and the Holy Spirit were with me the whole time, along with various deceiving spirits. I do not understand why I went through this beyond training me and showing it to me so I had experience with it. After about a year this period finally ended. In many ways today it is still the Twilight Zone I really do not understand most of it. Fortunately quickly ended just as it had begun. No one around me had any idea what I was going through.
Interlude 3
Now it gets good in vary many ways. The Lord wraps up my involvement in city affairs giving a memorable Holy Spirit filled 3 minute speech at a NBU building repurposing meeting. I have lots of pieces about faith published in the newspaper ,growing the Kingdom. Tex Brown starts ministry called Men’s Roundup, I do videos and sound for him also put together a website and logo. I am a shining light at the coast in the music scene. I get a new Kremona Luna Rosa, and many other guitars, I give them away including 5 martin guitars, one a 12,000 dollar one to a musician the Coast Mark Allen Attwood. The Lord has given me the ability to finally play the guitar. I write songs mostly fzmous Texas songs with altered lyric pointing to Jesus. They are published on Ultimate Guitar He has given me a Johnny Cash like singing voice. I sing in the church choir.. The Lords gives me the message of postmillennialism to share. Everything is getting better and has been since Jesus established His kingdom 2000 years ago. Amazing Love in Me is a song the Holy Spirit gave to me which shares this message. The list goes on and on.
The thing that makes this all happen is the Lord talks to me often, the Father Son and Holy Spirit. The devil also is always there trying to confuse me sounding like God. I get it, I understand discernment now. The Lord has also given me a singing voice in addition to my speakers voice. Starting in 2020 he has me give away all my money and the guitars to various people. Some to very special Christian friends, one to musician at the coast, and one to a person who worked for me. . He has me do 4- 40 day fasts. On the 12day of the first fast one night I am anointed by the Farther. I have great growing connections with the Cramers, and the Linebargers, both all in missionaries that God is using. I have gone to Costa Rica 2 times with Jerry Linebarger , he calls me his partner, I call him my first best friend.
My blog is growing if views, sometimes at the 100 metric , the best in its category. It goes on and on…….
WOW no Doubts (99.9 % of the time)
January 6 was end of my last 40 day fast, that day is the Church calendar day of Epiphany. A day that remembers when Jesus Divinity and Gods plan to save the gentiles were revealed.
It is also a personal epiphany for me. I finally truly believe I am real, not a delusion of the devil, and He will use me in big ways; I am just getting started.
In many ways It is so easy, just give it all to Jesus and He makes it happen.
But it is also hard to give up control and just wait trust Him to provide all.
Some will always see me as craze, but the world thinks Jesus in craze, maybe that is the point!
He has put amazing Christian around me that I inspire with my faith and they inspire and affirm me. Without them I would be very uncomfortable.
Interlude 4
This is best described as "Trust In Me"
In 2020 I gave away all my money, bought two maxed out Honda Ridgline trucks, one I gave to my good pastor friend Jerry Linebarger, put in a offer on a house at the coast I had no money to buy, and used up the last of my money restroring our condos, with out getting reimbursed for about twenty grand! By December I was out of money with recurring bills to pay and no income. The Lord provided a large gift at Christmas that got me through January, and then I had to stop paying bills. Most of the time I had less than $5.00 in the bank, this went on for 3 months, with my phone, electrical, internet each cut off once. They were all restored quickly, God Provided. I learned to live very frugally. I did not eat out, ate chicken, eggs, apples, bananas and vegetables. Chicken at less than a dollar a pound, apples three for a dollar, and eggs less than two dollars a dozen. I found I could eat well on about five dollars a day! The hormone in the cheap chicken after 4 months stated to negatively affect my body, but I ate well and was never hungry or stranded. I learned to drive only when needed, that was a lot less than I did before. I ate lots of free meals at church and bible studies, even about twenty pounds of leftover fried catfish from a dinner at church lasted me two weeks. I learned go glean food whenever it was available. By the end I had no food in the house, no money and five bills due in the last week of April. The Lord provided they are all paid I even have hundreds of dollars in the bank, not three but tree hundred. That is a quantum leap forward!
I have gotten very comfortable with living on the financial edge, something I would have never imagined. He pushes me continually and always provides, usually just in time! My life has been like being in the desert with Moses, relying on God for my daily provision.
Now that period is ending, fortune four months not forty years! I see a financially stable path going forward. I also am finally seeing tangible evidence of not being alone!
The Lord says “Your dream is beginning and much more!
Boot Camp Over
In the fall of 2021 I went down to the coast and my sailboat. I had $35.00 dollars to my name and a full tank of gas. The Holy Spirit said GO, ENJOY YOUR VACATION! I went expecting a $8500 dollar IRS Refund check to finally come it. It did not.
I wound up fixing the steering myself and living on the boat out of the water. That means no AC I was planning on 10 days but it turned into 12. Had to borrow $75 dollars to get back and did with $35.00 in my pocket, spent $33 on food and a six pack of beer that night. I called those 12 days Jesus Boot Camp.
He corrected me said it has been 14 years and YOU GRADUATED; now I can start using you. Final financial low point was almost having my Truck repossessed and condo sold on the court house steps for past due HOA fees. None of that happened had $8,000.00 unexpected money comes in and my Social security checks started. Right before Easter I finally got my 2018 IRS refund check and am caught up on bills with money in the Bank. Still have a year of tight finances but nothing like 2021. The Lord has taught me He always provides, often in unexpected ways.
I have been speaking at city council for 5 month every meeting writing lots of songs of life and faith, have been interviews twice. Once the local paper and once by Andre Mubarak with my testimony on his podcasts . Things have been really good the since the week before Easter. However frist week of May has been very different. I have had a limp for a while, my right leg has had issues for two years, Monday and Tuesday the pain was so bad I went to the doctor. I have prayed for healing and had many pray for healing, with no change. I know there is a reason for the limp but not sure why.
The radiologist said there is nothing there, your hip is obliterated! You must have had some physical injury to it. No I said, but there was an evening when I was praying and breaking a curse one of church members put on himself and his family because of actions he took at a large church special event. I won’t go in to details aside from Lord said you cannot break this curse; I prayed and prayed and DID!
Then a horrible attack on my legs and body, convulsions and immense pain. The Spirit said bless those that curse you, I did over and over it finally stopped but my right leg has never been the same. More on this story to come, My Doctor and Radiologist said I was impressive, they have never seen a hip this bad.
Medicare restarts July, a lot more to his story, Still pan on winning Masskrugstemmen this year! It should be interesting.
July 2023 - Well took 5th in the finals. Music Songwriting and Singing continues to grow. I Even have done a song at City Council where i speak each meeting with impact and a cumulative growing positive influence. I have just finished my final surgery , Hip, Hip, knee, Hurray!!!! Hope to take 4th this year in Masskrugstemmen , that would fill a place in the series _,2,3,_,5. Lots of great stuff happening at my growing Chruch , life is continually getting better.
My Desires of the Heart
My Dream – a wife, family and life serving God in big ways while staying relatively unnoticed for a long time!
Bottom LIne!!!
WOW, all I do is just follow Jesus as best as I can, He loves me, uses me and when I screw up he fixes it for me.
Amazing Love, that is Jesus
Speaking at City Council Special Castell Meeting 2018
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